Last Updated - Sept 5th

(Below - Extra Gold, No Wimps (added) Tons O' Belts & Attribute Shortcut (new))

Tons O' Belts  (Both?)

This may sound a bit confusing but follow the steps to gain as many belts as you want!!! I have done this on the Nintendo 64 version so I don't know if it will work for Playstation

1.Complete the season with 2 different wrestlers

2.( Both wrestlers should have 2 titles each - World and I-C) Plug a second controller in.

3.Go to 2 player versus and select one of the wrestlers that completed the season for player 1 and the other for player 2

4.Play as player one and defeat player 2

5.(The winner should have 3 belts) Go to options

6.Go to save game and save the winners game.


8.Exit the save game and then the options.

9.Say yes to saving to controller pack 1

10.Reset the game

11.Now you can win another belt from the loser.

12.You can repeat this pattern many times.

- Credit and thanx go out to - Chris K


Attribute Short-Cut  (Both)

For all you guys that have been beating the game over and over, trying to get extra attribute points for your created characters, listen up! 

First off, beat the game with one of your characters. Then after you have 40 attribute points, save him. Load him up again, change his name to someone else (also his appearance, attributes, etc.) and save him in a new slot. Repeat this for all your characters and they all will have 40 points!

*BONUS TIP* - For all you guys that suck at the game, but still wanna get your characters to 40 points, listen up!When the match starts, run out of the ring (computer will follow). Keep running around the ring until you get a good distance away from him. Climb onto the apron and then to the top ropes. Then hit him when he gets close. Instead of beating him while he's in stun, climb up the rope again and hit him when he gets up again, and repeat over and over.

Note* the fans won't go against you either. For some reason top rope moves no matter how many, the crowd is on your side. Also the obvious, this doesn't work in cage matches.

- Big thanx to "Mr.Ass" for writing this up and sending it our way... you better credit somebodyyyyy!


Trouble Getting The Cheats? (Both)

For those of you asking why you're not getting the cheats after winning the game, WWF Warzone Web Coverage may have the answer... - "Make sure you don't change difficulty settings during the course of the Challenge (ie. started on Hard and changed to Medium for even one match, or vice versa) both versions of the game default to Medium."


Quicker Matches (Both)

This isn't much of a cheat, but for those who don't know, if you drop the time limit to 5 minutes, the matches go a lot quicker.   This is helpful for those who are trying to get all the cheats.  Just enter into the options screen and under "Settings" change the time limit to 5.   Your matches will go a lot faster (as the game adjusts for the time-limit) all the hits give more damage and it's possible to have the match won in under a minute.    Remember though, it's a 2 way street, meaning you can get your ass whipped pretty quick too if your not careful.


Royal Rumble Tossout (N64)

To toss an opponent out of the ring during the Royal Rumble, if the wrestler you're using has a back body-drop, you can simply toss your opponent off the ropes, (make sure you're positioned on the opposite side of the ring) and then press the according button, when your opponent reaches you.  I've cleared the ring on a few occasions using this.  Also, to just scoop him up and toss him out, get your opponent stunned on his feet, then push (just walk into him) him near the ropes.  Then press Left, Left, C-Down and tell that punk to hit the showers.


Climb Out Of The Cage (Both)

For those who still don't know, (and the newbies) to climb out of the cage in Warzone, your opponent's energy bar must be in the red.  Press the L2(PSX) or Up C (N64) button while pressing toward one of the cage walls.  When your wrestler climbs to the top of the cage, they will stand fully up and turn around, press DOWN.  Your wrestler will begin to make his climb out of the cage.  As soon as you start to climb out of the cage, you cannot be knocked off.


Taunts/Poses (Both)

Once again, for those who still don't know, to taunt your opponent, simply press either Punch+Block, or Kick+TieUp.  To do HBK's lying on the rope taunt, press Kick+TieUp while standing near the ropes, and to pose while standing on the top turnbuckle or the top of the cage, press Punch+Block.


Attributes (N64)

Here are the total number of Attribute points and which matches/difficulties to earn them in - thanx go out to Warzone Web Coverage...

Game Mode Requirement & Difficulty Points
Challenge Win the WWF title on Hard 4 Pts.
Versus Win a match on Hard 1 Pt.
Royal Rumble Win the rumble on Hard 3 Pts.
Royal Rumble * Win the rumble on Med. 2 Pts.
Gauntlet Match Win the Gauntlet Match on Med. 2 Pts.
Tag Win a match on Medium or Hard 1 Pt.
Cage Win a match on Medium or Hard 1 Pt.
Weapons Win a match on Hard 1 Pt. (that's the pic below)
* Win the Rumble on both Medium & Hard to get your 15 TOTAL - 15 (added to 25 = 40)


Random Select (N64)

To have the computer select a wrestler for you hold Up and press the A button. - Credit WWF Warzone Web Coverage


Call-Ins (N64)

These can only be done during a one-on-one match, either versus or during the challenge match.  Remember, that if you use these, you will be disqualified. Hold both of the top buttons as well as the Z trigger (L+R+Z) and press a direction on the directional pad + an attack button. - Credit WWF Warzone  Web Coverage

Wrestler Button Combination
Steve Austin (Holding L+R+Z) Up+Kick
Farooq (Holding L+R+Z) Up+Punch
Mankind (Holding L+R+Z) Up+TieUp
Ahmed Johnson (Holding L+R+Z) Up+Block
Ken Shamrock (Holding L+R+Z) Down+Kick
Kane (Holding L+R+Z) Down+Punch
Thrasher (Holding L+R+Z) Down+TieUp
Mosh (Holding L+R+Z) Down+Block
The British Bulldog (Holding L+R+Z) Left+Kick
Shawn Michaels (Holding L+R+Z) Left+Punch
Bret Hart (Holding L+R+Z) Left+TieUp
Owen Hart (Holding L+R+Z) Left+Block
The Rock (Holding L+R+Z) Right+Kick
Goldust (Holding L+R+Z) Right+Punch
Triple H (Holding L+R+Z) Right+TieUp
The Undertaker (Holding L+R+Z) Right+Block


Assigning Attributes (Both)

For those who don't know, in order to assign attributes you have received (after you see a screen such as this) simply enter into the Create-A-Wreslter mode, load up your wrestler, go to the attributes section and your extra attribute point(s) will be there.  Assign the point(s) , re-save the wrestler and carry on as if normal.



Select Other Outfits (N64)

Most of the wrestlers have two outfits, Austin and Goldust have four. For your first outfit, you can hold C-Up when choosing your wrestler or just choose him normally. For the wrestler's second outfit, hold C-Right while you choose him. For Austin or Goldust's third outfit, hold C-Down when choosing, or for their fourth outfit, hold C-Left when choosing. - Credit WWF Warzone Web Coverage


Piss Everybody Off (Both)

For a good laugh, start up a game where there are no computer players and just let everyone stand there, not wrestling or moving.   The crowd will get extremely angry, (one guy even screams, "I'll kill you!")  The funniest bits though, come from what Vince and J.R. say, at one point J.R. threatens to leave!  Vince wonders, "Do they know the match has started?"  I know, not much of a cheat, but I thought it was kinda funny.


Who to use

Name of Cheat System


The Undertaker No Meters Both Beat the Challenge with the Undertaker, and you’ll be able to dis-able the on-screen health meters. How many hits will it take to topple your opponent?
Ahmed Johnson Ego Mode Both Beat the challenge with Ahmed and you'll be able to access Ego Mode, which gives your wrestler a head that grows as he gets support from the fans.
Thrasher/Mosh Beans Mode Both Beat the challenge with either Headbanger and you'll enable the "Beans" mode, where all the grunts and groans of the wrestlers during a match are replaced with burps and farts.
Any created character Rattlesnake Both If you beat the challenge with a custom wrestler who has 40 of the possible 50 attribute points, you'll get access to a special "Hero" wrestler called Rattlesnake, who has all 50. (Info from the Acclaim Strategy Guide)


No Wimps Cheat (Both)

Win the Challenge mode on either medium or hard difficulty level using either Ken Shamrock or Farooq in order to enable the "No Wimps" cheat.  Now you can set the game so that blocking is disabled.   Be aware however that when playing the computer, they will dodge much more.



Extra Gold Cheat (Both)

Win the Challenge mode on either medium or hard difficulty level using Goldust in order to enable the "Extra Gold" cheat.  Now you will have access to Goldust's extra 2 outfits.  Below are the 4 outfits (the 2 on the right are the ones you acheive after winning).                                            


L to R - Goldust, Bizarre Goldust, DustyDust, and MarilynDust


Extra Cold Cheat (Both)

Win the Challenge mode on either medium or hard difficulty level using Stone Cold Steve Austin in order to enable the "Extra Cold" cheat.  Now you will have access to Steve Austin's extra 2 outfits.  The shirts/vest that Austin wears are not available to use in the create-a-wrestler mode however.  Below are the 4 outfits (the 2 on the right are the ones you acheive after winning).                                                


The many ass-whuppin' versions of Stone Cold.


Sue Cheat (Both)

Win the Challenge mode on either medium or hard difficulty level using either Bret Hart or Owen Hart in order to enable the "Sue" cheat.  Now you will have access to Sue, (the ring girl who carries the belt after you win) to use as a wrestler.  She can be found in the custom wrestlers selection.



Big Head Cheat (Both)

Win the Challenge mode on any difficulty level (according to the Strategy Guide) using either The Rock or The British Bulldog in order to enable the "Big Head" cheat.)  With this mode on, all the wrestlers will have big heads.  Below is a pic of Austin after winning a match...

bhead.jpg (10284 bytes)


Polished Cheat (N64)

The polished cheat is automatically enabled as soon as you win the World Title in the Challenge Mode on either Medium or Hard setting.  If you're using a wrestler that enables another cheat, then you'll receive both Polished and the other wreslter's cheat as well. (ie: win with Kane and get Polished and New Duds cheat as well)


What it does...

Wondering what the Polish cheat does? Basically it turns the shadows off and replaces them with reflections... making the ring mat look polished to a shine.  The mat isn't slippery or anything like that, it just simply reflects the images above it.  Notice the pic to the left, you can see Michaels and Austin's reflection on the mat along with the ring ropes as well.


Pic 1

Warzone Movie View (PSX)

In order to view the FMV (full motion video) sequences such as the grudge match videos and the limo lady scenes, follow this button combination (do it quickly) and make sure you press the buttons connected with a + sign, together.  Make sure you get the code in before the Press Start screen disappears as well.

1. At the 'PRESS START' screen, press in this order - Up+Triangle, Right+Circle, Down+X, Left+Square (4 times)

2.  Then immediately press L1+R1, L2+R2, L1+R1, L2+R2.

You'll know if this works when you see a "Movie 1" popup in the middle of the screen (Pic1)  Press up or down to scroll through the movies (there are 64 of them)  They're all grudge match videos untill near the last few which are the limo-lady scenes.  After you finish watching the movie, you'll come back to a screen that's black except for "Press Start" flashing across the screen (Pic2).  To start the game, hit start, but if you want to keep watching the movies, simply press up or down to keep scrolling through the movies (even though you can't see the number, it's still there) and press X to view it.   First timers may just want to start on 1, then after you finish and wind up on the black screen (Pic2) just press up and then X to view the next one.

Credit - Joseph Lee & WWF Warzone Web Coverage

movies2.jpg (5709 bytes)

Pic 2


Random Select (PSX)

From WWF Warzone Web Coverage's FAQ - To let the computer choose a wrestler for you at the selection screen, hold Up and hit Block.


Attributes (PSX)

From WWF Warzone Web Coverage's  FAQ. -   The highest possible number of Attribute points is 40, you're normally given 25 to use. Here's a chart listing how to gain the remaining 15 points...

Game Mode Requirement & Difficulty Points
Challenge Win the WWF title on Hard 6 Pts.
Versus Win a match on Hard 2 Pts.
Tag Win a match on Medium or Hard 3 Pts.
Cage Win a match on Medium or Hard 2 Pts.
Weapons Win a match on Hard 2 Pts.


Access the Basement (Both)

I know, everybody should know this already, but judging from e-mail I've received, a lot of people don't... or at least don't know the correct way to do it...  Instead of pressing and holding L1 and R1 untill it comes up, simply tap L1, then tap R1 while in the elevator.  For the N64 simply tap the L shoulder button, then the R shoulder button.  There's no need to hold them down or press them together quickly in order to do this.


PSX Audio Tip

If you want the crowd to shout a different chant during the match, simply pause the game, then unpause it, and the crowd will be chanting a different chant.  Pause it again and it will change again.   (Example... crowd is chanting, "Kane rules, Kane rules" - hit pause, unpause - crowd chants, "Burn in hell, burn in hell".  Also if you notice that JR and McMahon have suddenly become quiet or your wrestlers aren't grunting during submissions, simply do the pause/unpause trick to give them a jump start.


New Duds Cheat (Both)

Enable extra clothes options in the create-a-wrestler option by beating the Challenge Mode with Kane.  With the settings on either Medium or Hard.


Cactus & Dude Cheat (Both)

Enable Cactus Jack and Dude Love by beating the Challenge Mode with Mankind with the settings on either Medium or Hard.


Call Ins (PSX Codes)

It was denied it, and yet here they are.   I've tested out a few of these and they do work!  They can be performed whenever during the match. (note the time on the pic).  They'll pop up beside the ring and JR & Vince will notice them... Some wrestlers have more than 1 button combo... (remember, you will be disqualified after the match & your call-in can pin your opponent)

Credit - WWF Warzone Web Coverage

Hold the four top buttons (L1, R1, L2, R2) while using these combos to call out the wrestler listed: Buttons in brackets ( ) are to be pressed at the same time...

Steve Austin - L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Kick The British Bulldog - L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Kick
Faarooq - L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Punch Shawn Michaels - L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Punch
Mankind - L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+TieUp Bret Hart - L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+TieUp
Ahmed Johnson - L1+L2+R1+R2+Up+Block Owen Hart - L1+L2+R1+R2+Left+Block
Ken Shamrock - L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Kick The Rock - L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Kick
Kane - L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Punch Goldust - L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Punch
Thrasher - L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+TieUp Triple H - L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+TieUp
Mosh - L1+L2+R1+R2+Down+Block The Undertaker - L1+L2+R1+R2+Right+Block


2nd Costume (PSX)

When selecting your character, hold L2, then press X to select your character.  Also, if you keep holding L2 & R2 down while the computer selects it's wrestler, they will be wearing their 2nd costumes as well.     

Credit - Jesse


Enable "Ladies Night" (Both)

Win the Challenge mode with Triple H or Shawn Michaels on the medium or hard setting.  This will allow you to create women in create-a-wrestler and opens up some more hair styles and clothes as well.



Enable Trainer (Both)

Very easy to do, if you haven't figured it out, something's really wrong... The trainer cheat is enabled as soon as you enter into the training area.